I’m frantically getting out and about before lockdown 2.0 or the weather puts a stop to it, the idea is to build a catalogue of photos to edit over the winter.
Yesterday was pretty pleasant in Brighton. Folk out and about enjoying the last rays of summer / autumn sun rays.
Take it to the streets………..
……………….. a saying people often use to encourage protest.
Last Saturday, whilst I was passing through Brighton, I came across a protest about #BLM (Black Lives Matter).
This was the 3rd protest that has happened locally, since the savage murder of George Floyd.
It’s not only the amount, but also the diversity of the protesters that seems to grow each time.
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Decided to pop into town for an end of the day meander.
Seeing first hand the sheer quietness of COVID-19 and the impact of the lockdown on the city, is dystopian.
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